Available funding

The Shooting & Hunting Academy works with a number of 'Funding Providers' and Training Funds' to provide academy candidates with a range of funding options that are designed to make wildlife management training more affordable. 

Available Funding options

Future Foresters Training Fund

Available for PDS1 & PDS2
The Future Forester Training Fund has been established by Scottish Forestry with an aim to support those relatively new to forestry, by providing the opportunity to develop their skills relating to the practicalities of forestry practice as well as wider business and sustainability skills, in order to help them secure, sustain and progress their careers.
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Women in Forestry Training Fund

Available for PDS1 & PDS2
The Women in Forestry Practical Training Fund, has been established by Scottish Forestry to support the personal development of women, providing them with additional skills to progress their careers and employment opportunities in forestry beyond their current role.
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High Weald National Landscape Training Fund (exclusive)

Available for PDS1 & PDS2
Managing fallow deer in the High Weald is essential for environmental balance, biodiversity, agriculture, human safety and the health of the deer themselves. 
Working with the LANTRA and UKRS-accredited Shooting and Hunting Academy and supported by Defra, we are offering to people living within or near the High Weald free accredited training for new deer stalkers, as well as supporting existing stalkers to gain advanced qualifications.
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Women in Agriculture

Available for PDS1 & PDS2
The Women in Agriculture Practical Training Fund has been established by Scottish Government to support the personal development of women and girls aged thirteen years and older, providing them with additional skills to progress their careers and employment opportunities in Scottish agriculture beyond their current role.
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Forestry and Arboriculture Training Fund

Forestry and Aboriculture training Fund covers training costs for short, practical forestry and arboriculture courses. The fund is designed for people considering a change of career or seeking to build and diversify their skills in forestry and arboriculture. We are offering to cover 100% of the costs for eligible training courses, meaning these are free for applicants.
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