PDS Approved Verifier Course
Those that have completed their PDS1 Course online via the Shooting & Hunting Academy are required to have the skills element of the course assessed. This can be carried out by an Approved Verifier (AV).This course provides details of the requirements and guidelines to carry out the skills assessment and has been designed to ensure that the assessment process is transparent, consistent and fair.
About the PDS1 Course & Approved Verifier Course
The Requirements of Becoming a PDS1 Approved Verifier
If you meet the criteria and would like to become a PDS1 Approved Verifier, please enrol & register now
NB. Further to the release of the Proficient Deer Stalker Level 2, from July 2023 Approved Verifiers will be invited to witness the practical skills of Level 2 candidates in the field, as part of the Level 2 practical assessment.